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The Houston Report



Riverbend Energy Group Expands to Invest in Early-Stage Energy 2.0 Companies

The energy transition toward a low-carbon future is prompting many longtime players in the oil and gas sector to broaden their focus. The pivot is occurring not just among the energy companies…
Economic Development

UpSkill Houston Recognized in National Workforce Development Playbook

HOUSTON (April 26, 2021)  –  For the last seven years, the Partnership’s UpSkill Houston initiative has played a leading role in mobilizing the collective action of industry, business, education, and…

House Passes Budget, Legislature Moves Broadband and Energy Issues

Week In Review This week, the House amended and passed Senate Bill 1, the state biennial budget. It now heads back to the Senate and conference committee to iron out differences between the two…

What Carbon Capture Needs in Texas

Advancing energy competitiveness within Texas and our region is a top priority of the Partnership. Key to those efforts is supporting policies that will help Texas maintain its competitive advantage…

The Partnership Salutes Our 2021 Members

Serving as the Houston region's largest chamber of commerce, the Greater Houston Partnership is a gathering place for community-minded business leaders who want to be involved in Houston's positive…

Houston Maintains Position as Most Diverse City in Nation

Houston has long been considered one of the youngest, fastest-growing, and most diverse cities in the nation— one with no ethnic majority and where nearly one-in-four residents are foreign-born. For…
Executive Partners