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The Houston Report


Quality of Life

One Houston Together: Developing Equitable Communities

Historic gaps in equity and access to opportunity continue to adversely impact communities across Houston. Today, a person’s zip code remains one of the best indicators of their health and wealth.…
Health Care

One Houston Together: Health and Racial Inequities

The race-based disparities that exist in health outcomes has been a much-discussed and researched topic. While some progress has been made to address access, cost and quality of care, the COVID-19…
Quality of Life

One Houston Together: Education and Racial Inequities

How does race affect the educational opportunities afforded to individuals and communities in the Houston area? What can we do to ensure quality education is accessible to all?  Those were some of…
Quality of Life

One Houston Together: Understanding Racism

Many of us have specific ideas of what racism looks like, but we often don’t realize how pervasive it can be. Indeed, people of color face both individual and systemic racism in often subtle ways in…
Executive Partners